
The Story Behind Advokatfirman Ahlstedt

On 1 January 1951 Olof Ahlstedt started his business under the name Advokatfirman Olof Ahlstedt. Prior to that, Olof Ahlstedt had qualified as a lawyer in 1936 and had then worked for Handelsbyrån as well as for the law firm Gustav Sandberg at Gustav Adolfs torg.

Olof Ahlstedt soon hired the lawyer Bo Bergqvist. The lawyers complemented each other well, as Olof Ahlstedt was proficient in commercial law whilst Bo Bergqvist was more interested in criminal cases. After some time a third lawyer, Folke Rosell, was hired and became renowned for his skills as a commercial and criminal lawyer.

Since the law firm was founded it has covered a wide range of areas such as commercial law and criminal cases. Olof Ahlstedt's first registered client was the publishing house Cirkelförlaget which was primarily associated with promoting world-class boxing but also the magazines of that time, Rekordmagasinet and All Sport. Sport within Gothenburg has continued to feature predominantly in the company's history. The law firm has assisted several famous athletes in their careers. Several lawyers at the law firm have been members of the board in both GAIS and ÖIS sport associations and have also assisted them in, for instance, setting up different contracts.

Something else that is recurrent in the law firm's history is advising real estate owners and building contractors. When the so-called Vegastaden was built, some of Gothenburg's leading building contractors combined their forces under Olof Ahlstedt's lead and still today the firm's lawyers occupy themselves with assisting clients within real estate law.

Experience of commercial law aside; humanitarian law and especially criminal cases have also played an important role in the company's development and current direction. The lawyers at the firm have specific qualifications in areas such as criminal cases, family law and migration law. Today, Advokatfirman Ahlstedt is one of the biggest criminal case law firms in Gothenburg with a large number of assignments as defenders and counsels for the injured party in large criminal cases that have attracted a great deal of attention.